Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sunday School Wednesdays: Get a life!

Yes, I realize it is Thursday, but in a freakishly linear desire to make sure my 'blog labels' are consistent I am blogging about Sunday School today and pretending it's Wednesday:)

I have been thinking a lot about Sunday School teaching this week and have an almost overwhelming sense of gratitude for the opportunity to think and pray about my church community, and Sunday School, which the position of Sunday School teacher affords me.

The most common response I receive from people when I tell them I've recently started teaching Sunday School is; "Gosh, but you have so much on your plate. Are you sure you have time?"  Absolutely YES! The suggestion (while well intentioned) is that church work can be laborious, and suck the life out of one's free time.  I am finding it to be the exact opposite. Church work is getting a life!

Mary Baker Eddy says; " On the contrary, if aught [anything] comes from God, it cannot be mortal and material, it must be immortal and spiritual." p.479:5-7 Read Science and Health: With Key to the Scriptures online.

Using the dictionary I studied the meaning of the key words in the above quote:

Mortal; dead; death; deadly.
Immortal; life; lively; living.
Material; limited; weak; trying.
Spiritual; limitless; powerful; ordained.
Choosing the right column as my mindset for work enables me to prioritize the work effortlessly. I can't imagine a more enjoyable way to spend my free time - frankly, dabbling in the left column for leisure doesn't sound like much fun to me!!!

Joyfully yours,