Thursday, February 2, 2012

Homeschool Reflections: Half-Way Point

We're officially at the half-way mark of our first year as home learners. Time to reflect on where we've been and where we're heading...

What I've learned:
A matinée together
  • Socially, hands-down the most meaningful thing for me is that I have my kids back.  I am enjoying the closeness in our relationship that had slowly eroded since they started school and spent more time away from home.  We have inside jokes, shared experiences, mutual interests, grumpy moments, and a sense that we're spending our day with people who really get us.

  •  Academically, our biggest achievement in the past five months has been in terms of their literacy.  I'd say there has been a 100% improvement in their reading comprehension and speed, and their writing skills.  A major comprehension project which would have taken 4 hours to complete in October is completed in less than 2 hours now.  My kids have become book worms - they carry books with them whenever we hit the road (they have their IPods too, but hey, books are actually on the radar!) Good readers are successful learners. Period. 

  • Behaviorally, our biggest accomplishment has been in the area of initiation.  The kids now write their learning goals for the week each Monday. What was a painful experience in September with them not knowing what/how they wanted to learn has morphed into a clearer sense of their own learning style, interests and time management.
  • Physically, I feel like the kids are developing a healthy lifestyle which will carry them into adulthood. They spend time alone each day; they enjoy physical activity outdoors for a couple of hours a day; they participate on sports teams.  They fend for themselves for 2 of the 3 meals a day - learning to make balanced meals, and also bake treats:)  They are learning the keys to a balanced and happy life.
Looking Ahead:

  • Socially, continuing to nurture their close friendships. Research shows that resiliency lies in having a few close friends who get you, not being part of a large crowd.  I know this is true for me (I love you Sherry, Jaz, Lisa, Anna, & Jodi!)

  • Academically, our biggest focus will be on math for the second half of the year. BC has a huge math curriculum to cover and I'm continually looking for a way to marry my desire for mastery in each skill with the need to complete the curriculum.
  • Behaviorally, our next goal is perseverance. I want to nurture the kids' ability to manage frustration in their work and feel the sense of accomplishment which comes with breaking through the frustration. As we read about great inventors these past few months (Edison & the Wright Brothers) we reflected on their perseverance and the creativity and brilliance which was achieved after seeming failure. If you had seen the Wright Brothers fly their first plane you would have called them losers. Watch their second attempt the following week and they are revolutionary winners!
  • Physically, both kids are trying new activities. Muffin Mouse is registered in a Yoga class, and George is starting Ball Hockey for the Spring.
George enjoying some quiet time this week.
Any regrets you ask? Simply, none. Home schooling may not be the right fit forever, but for right now it is exceeding the BC Education Plan's aspirations for these 2 students.

Joyfully moving forward,

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