Friday, January 27, 2012

Sunday School Wednesdays: Who Licenses You?

The gate to my deck has 2 locks:)
I have a daycare licensing inspection this morning, and while I am prepared practically (just need to put the BBQ cover back on that blew off...) I've been thinking about Licensing this morning from a spiritual point-of-view.

Who licenses me to care for children? Websters defines license as 'consent to', or 'to make possible.'  From a human perspective my local Health Authority enacts the legislation of my provincial government which governs child care facilities.  But, this perspective does not have the strong foundation upon which I would like my license to rest. I mean, buracratic red tape, overwhelming case loads, multiple interpretations of legislation can make us disheartened.

How can I wisely and confidently take a stand against this disheartening perspective? I have found the answer lies in redeeming a human sense of licensing for a spiritual one.  A license is at it's core, an idea.  It is the idea that loving care for children is principled. Such principled love ensures that all involved are cared for: children, caregivers, families, officers & our community.

Care-giving is serious stuff!
As I consider that licensing is an idea, it follows that it is governed by Mind.  This government is loving, principled, spiritual, active, honest & caring - a firm foundation on which I would like my license to rest.  Thinking about my license being governed by Mind, or God, calms any fear about the human expression of licensing being misguided or flawed. It reassures me about the nature of the One who governs me. Equipped with this reassurance I can openly and honestly interact with my licensing officer as a team member. I view her as a partner in making it possible for me to care for children because I am confident where my authority lies.

If I could plagiarize my mission statement for daycare I'd take it from The Message. 

"You're blessed when you care. At the moment of being 'care-ful', you find yourselves cared for.  Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand - shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives."

Matt:5 7, 14, 15.

Who could ask for a better job!? How could I wish I did not have a license when it is the foundation on which my care-giving is built.

Joyfully licensed,

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